22 January 2009

last week's episode of Desperate Housewives

is amazing. AMAZING. marc cherry has outdone himself again. more often than not the story revolves around the main characters in all their top-form bitchery. tonight the housewives bubble was broken and we got a broader glimpse of Wisteria Lane and its fictional landscape. i'm not gonna recap it; i'm just going to keep raving. so good. how the story pans out is a tad unrealistic, yes (as it always is). a little on the cheesy side, yes. but in the process a point is made, faith in humanity restored. Bravo.

earlier tonight i went ice-skating with 8 other friends (whose respective skills and learning curves varied tremendously). last time i did this was a little over a year ago in providence so i was a little afraid that i'd forgotten and shit. and i did! it took a while to get familiar. AND i fell, um, twice. that said, knowing how to rollerblade helps a bunch. ah how i miss grade school.

me looking stoopid as usual. should photoshop sth in so i look like im holding sth. guitar? maybe a huge watermelon.

OK, i'm not over desperate housewives yet. and it's not just me and my natural tendency to melodrama, since lots of people can attest to this. i should give the ultimate credit to the guest star Beau Bridges though. i'm not a fan of drama (thus grey's anatomy consistently on my bad side) but tonight's episode can move all hearts.


alissa said...

aw man. i wanna go ice skate.

psurangk said...

Can I have your jacket?