25 February 2009


means the day when everything is dead in this country. i've been trying hard to come to terms with the fact but i'm still not over it. the biggest supermarket close to UCL which opens till midnight every day closes at 6PM on sundays. my department building is closed all day sunday. (and this is an architecture school mind you). i ran into a friend at the library last sunday and he was like "what are you doing at the library ON SUNDAY!?!" as if it's a social faux pas. Come to think of it maybe it is. my flatmates are in bed by 10PM sunday night. what kind of world have i come to?! Oxford Street, the most bustling street in the world, is DEAD come 8PM on sunday.

and this is not a European thing either. as i remember rome and turin were VERY lively sunday night. talk about turin! man so much fun and this deserves another post in its own right. we got back to the hotel 5AM one night.... the prof took us clubbing. what?

me stealing the motorbike

1 comment:

psurangk said...

Haha wow, a professor taking your class out clubbing. Oh, by the way, it looks like you're about to hump the motorbike, not steal it :P