08 March 2008

A random nocturnal rambling from an insomniac

Yes, the title sums up best my current state of mind. What am I still doing at 6AM friday night/saturday morning? God knows. Maybe that six-hour nap was a little too effective. (yes, six whole hours, which is now starting to take its toll on me.) okay, this is really important. I need to restore my faith in writing, not that i totally lost mine to begin with. But I've seen it starting to scatter. Words are beautiful, but the ability to actually write them down is much more beautiful. I want to be done with minimalist postmodernist cryptic writing SO BAD. I need to stop letting one word/sentence/phrase or two to sum up what I think and how I feel. It might look cool and edgy to drop a line here and there, but what good is a line when much more needs articulating? Verbosity can sometimes be ugly, but one should not encode so much in a sentence. Never should the verbal economy come at the price of meaningful retrospection.

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