The final presentation today was really inspiring and key to my progress as a thinker and doer. i'm starting to think more and more about the complementarity of school and profession, that school is merely the platform where you learn only the basics and later jump off to the real world to take those basics to the next level. you've heard it all before, i know, but it's becoming increasingly real for me. there are lots of part time students in the program whose commitment, professionalism, and worth ethics are so strong you wouldnt believe they were just out of college a few years ago. their works are refined and well thought out. they seem to think everything through, think it again, and over and again, hit it from every possible angle, and study the potentiality of every act and process. it's these people who make you look at yourself at the end of the day and see where you stand. i'm glad there's something new for me to see, learn, and absorb everyday, and hopefully own it someday.
but what this means in an immediate term is i can sleep again! and eat! and catch up on my lovely google reader and ABC shows! the past 4 days are whoa. but at least i'm done.
aaaand screw autocad (for now). seriously, sketchup is easy and awesome. glad i decided last minute to resort to it. once again, nobel prize to google!

i understand! even from what i'm doing now i'm starting to see connections between the clinical and the academic realm whereas before i was all cynical and wondering what the point was. i haven't lost hope,and i feel even more so optimistic seeing what you just said.
i spy.... a hipster couple from The Sartorialist.
this is great, t!
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