Food, Fashion & Lifestyle

I've been meaning to write an entry on the latest invention of one of my favourite eateries Au Bon Pain for quite some time. And tonight seems like a good opportunity since I don't want to start reading Walking since Daybreak and later write a "serious book review", as my European History professor puts it, quite yet. So what else, if not this form of procrastination which obviously starts to get to me, can make you feel fulfilled, self-righteous, and less guilty at the same time?
"Au Bon Portions" is ABP's latest culinary line that features some fifteen selections packaged individually in a tiny transparent plastic box. "Lunch box is cool again" is the tag-line that conceptualizes the campaign. As with its other preceding promotion lines after its recent face-lift, the "coolness" of the Portions boxes oozes from the great variety of selections ranging from a set of cheddar, grapes, and crackers which mimics a fancy cheese&crackers plate, to Hummus & cucumber. These individually packed boxes clearly respond to the demand of people who enjoy the on-the-go lifestyle and want to have the freedom to mix-and-match food items that a conventional-sized lunch would not allow. Whether what you look for is a side-dish for your salad/sandwich or some late-afternoon bites, the Portions are certainly the way to go.
I was swept away the minute I saw the shelves of Thayer St. ABP fully stocked with these tiny boxed small plates which literally gleam like a chic luxury item, an edible precious stone. I can't help but nod at ABP's unyielding creativity to marry luxury with affordability, and thus make all their bistro-style offerings pleasingly customizable. To delve in further I in fact think that the tomato wedges, crackers, asparagus, etc seem to be casually thrown in yet look effortlessly artistic in all their miniatured beauty. Yet another addition to the food fashion industry. On a closing note, below are the picture of Thayer St. ABP I took a while back. Cheers.
1 comment:
It was so bizzare when I first walked past their ad on the windows for that... I wonder if anyplace will start selling bento in the distant future?
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